sharme - developer

sharme in its current form has a simple codebase.

The way it works is:

  1. Take a desktop screenshot in rgba
  2. If the screen size is not multiple of 16 (any or both width, height) do a resize to make it multiple of 16
  3. convert the screenshot image data from rgb to yuv420p and at the same time strip the alpha channel.
  4. Feed the video codec. The codec used is the smoke codec from Gstreamer. Gstreamer is not needed, I just shameless stole it from Gstreamer.
  5. Then just send the encoded data to the network. Before sent it an encryption is done with arc4

The way it is organized:

lib/* - where several routines are implemented. Generally a specific task is in its own .c file, for example conversion from rgb to yuv and vice versa are in the colorspace.c include/* - the headers of the lib/*

src/viewer.cpp - the code that runs in the supporter machine

src/client.cpp - the code that runs in the machine that it's sharing its screen.

src/sharme.cpp - the main where all starts running.

Source code is hosted on github so go fork it.